
Innovative personnel evaluation system

Develop Place offers unique personnel assessment techniques to improve team effectiveness and employee development.

Personnel evaluation and development

DevelopPlace is a company with hands-on experience in:

  • comprehensive personnel assessment,
  • diagnostics in educational institutions,
  • career guidance of the population.

“Analytical system of human potential measurement is based on modern software and valid methods”


Comprehensive Assessment of Employee Capability

We offer innovative techniques for performance diagnostics and personnel development.

Performance evaluation

Analyze employee productivity and team interactions.

Relationship diagnosis

Determine the dynamics of interpersonal relations in the team.

Conflict identification

Uncover hidden conflicts to resolve them.

Burnout prevention

Identify the signs of professional burnout in employees.

Capacity assessment

Analyze hidden opportunities for employee growth.

Strategy development

Create personalized development plans for employees.

Our Cases

Our cases demonstrate the successful application of innovative personnel evaluation techniques that improve team performance and employee development.

Creation of a system of internal corporate development of employees

Create an internal online service for employee self-diagnosis, identification of potential opportunities and self-development.

  • Integration of the DevelopPlace platform with the customer’s corporate platform;
  • Adaptation and customization of automatically generated reports with developmental feedback and recommendations for employees of a given company.
  • provided information on individual characteristics of employees in accordance with the job profile for the manager;
  • personalized assessment reports with recommendations on development and training for employees were prepared;
  • HR specialists received key data on the results of testing, which helped to identify employees with potential and aspiration for vertical and horizontal rotation.

”Pro-Self” and ”ProActiv-Style” methods of assessment of professional, business and personal qualities of personnel.

600 people – employees of the company.

Assessment of potential and performance level

The Bank had to engage in a number of serious projects. It was necessary to assess the current state of middle and senior managers, their potential and level of performance.

Assessment of the level of professional burnout, key characteristics, functional characteristics of the executive staff and productivity of business relationships.

  • data were obtained on the presence and degree of professional burnout, level of performance, and potential capabilities of the management staff;
  • among the survey participants the following were singled out:

    ✓ the most active, authoritative and engaged employees;
    ✓ employees with reduced efficiency;
    ✓ employees at risk (risk of dismissal, disruption, information leaks, etc.) and outsiders (low performers in all positions);
    ✓ the areas of highest efficiency of each employee, his/her key advantages are identified;

  • recommendations for each employee are given


”MCA-Business” and ”Team-Model” methodologies for assessing structural units and project teams.

80 people middle and senior managers.

Внедрение изменений в организации

In order to improve the efficiency of subdivisions’ activities, it was decided to introduce changes in the principles of the organization’s work. The task was set to identify a change leader (innovator) and form a team to implement innovations.

Assessing intragroup communications, functional preferences and team values of the organization’s employees.

  • the leader of changes (innovator) was identified and recommendations on forming a working team to implement innovations were given;
  • peculiarities of intragroup interaction and “gray cardinals” that may hinder the introduction of innovations were identified;
  • identified employees who are inclined to innovations and have the necessary potential to promote them;
  • recommendations were given to change the psychological atmosphere in the team to a more favorable one

”MCA-Business” and ”Team-Model” methodologies for assessing structural units and project teams.

300 people – employees of the company.

Simple Online Assessment Mechanism:

Online Format

The evaluation is done in an online format

Unique Link

Each assessment participant is provided with a unique link to take the test

Fast Pass

Taking the test takes an average of 15-20 minutes


Immediately after the test is completed, a report is automatically generated

Fast Support

Support of the company's specialists at all stages of work

Expertise and Consulting

Expertise and consulting based on the obtained data in accordance with the customer's request

Evaluation Tools

The personnel assessment system uses a number of unique methods developed for comprehensive diagnostics of employees. These techniques are based on author’s approaches that help analyze both individual and team interaction features, identify potential, motivation, level of involvement and causes of professional burnout. As a result, companies receive in-depth and accurate data to optimize HR management.

«МСА-Business» and «Team-Model»

A set of business sociometry techniques to identify the peculiarities of interaction in teams, aptitudes, values and employee engagement.

«Burnout Repertory Grid»

“Burnout Repertory Grid” is a projective technique designed to assess the degree of severity and causes of professional burnout in employees.


“ProActiv-Style” is an ipsative questionnaire that identifies the individual qualities that define a person’s work style.

Uniqueness of DevelopPlace Company

DevelopPlace's uniqueness lies in its exclusive personnel assessment techniques that provide accurate diagnostics, predict growth and prevent employee burnout.

Exclusive technology provider
Exclusive rights to the methods
Innovative approaches

Increase your team's efficiency with DevelopPlace


+373 79 037 402

Our Team

Anțupov Anatolii Iakovlevici

Doctor of Psychology, expert in the field of conflictology and social psychology.

Marasanov German Igorevici

PhD in Psychology, expert in personality and organizational psychology.

Gusev Alexei Nicolaievici

D. in psychology and an expert in test and cognitive psychology.

Priajnikov Nicolai Sergheevici

Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, expert in the field of career guidance

Anna Vasilievna Pereiaslova

Educational psychologist. Expert in the field of online psychodiagnostics.

Наши Клиенты

Наши клиенты доверяют DevelopPlace для точной оценки персонала, улучшения командной работы и выявления потенциала для профессионального роста. 

Testimonials from Our Customers

Our clients value accuracy, professionalism, and unique techniques to help develop their teams.





“DevelopPlace helped us identify hidden conflicts and significantly improve team collaboration in a short period of time.”

“Thanks to the company's techniques, we were able to optimize work and increase employee productivity by 30%.”

“The DevelopPlace system produced accurate results that helped us develop the potential of key employees and prevent burnout.”

Contact Us !!!

Our team is ready to help you diagnose your staff and improve your company's performance

«МСА-Business» и «Team-Model»

A unique set of methodologies based on business sociometry to identify significant features of structural units and project teams, inclinations and values of employees, their involvement in the work process.

“ISA-Business” and ‘Team-Model’ allow:

Evaluate the productivity of working interaction and development zones in working groups;

Identify leaders in the team by level of authority, professionalism, emotional influence (positive or negative);

determine the unrealized potential of employees for horizontal and vertical rotation in the company;

Identify problem areas and hidden conflicts within departments, “toxic employees” and “outsiders”;

identify the value model of the team and the individual value profile of each employee, their functional capabilities and limitations;

Analyze the success of integration and adaptation of new employees in the subdivision

«Burnout Repertory Grid»

The projective technique for assessing the level and types of professional burnout in employees and candidates, created on the basis of the Kelly repertory lattice method, allows to detail personal profiles of employees, their value orientations and professional preferences.

“Burnout Repertory Grid” defines:

presence and level of professional burnout, reserve of work capacity in candidates and employees, opportunities and mood for productive work performance;

types of burnout and factors influencing the decrease in productivity:
- emotional overstrain
- excessive communication
- direct professional activity

areas of prevention and reduction of professional burnout.

employees who could potentially become part of the “risk group” (low loyalty, probability of changing employers and possible destructive manifestations in employee behavior);


“ProActiv-Style” is an ipsative questionnaire to assess the prevailing style in professional activity, which helps to identify individual behavioral patterns of employees and their approaches to problem solving.

“ProActiv-Style” helps:

determine the style of working behavior of an employee based on the combination of his personal and professional qualities, such as: aspiration to leadership, control, tact, self-confidence, sociability and others;

Identify what motivates the employee to a greater extent:
- independence,
- status,
- achievements in work,
- emotions and impressions from work;

Develop an individual development strategy for each employee, taking into account the peculiarities of the personality.

obtain information about the resources and potential of the specialist in relation to the requirements of his/her professional activity and the company's objectives;